We provide home visits for postpartum families within 2 weeks following the birth of your baby.
If you need a home visit outside this time frame, please contact our office.
Continued follow up visits will be held at our office at
Andaluz Waterbirth Center Monday-Thursday or on Fridays in Astoria.
Providers/Referral: Please download this form and fax it to us at 503-506-0676.
We provide lactation consultation in home and office from the prenatal period all the way through your lactation journey. We also provide support for all infant feeding issues including bottle feeding and weight gain issues.
Visits are typically 60-90 minutes and include:
A comprehensive medical history, examination and assessment of you breasts, nipples, latch, your baby, oral structures/sucking mechanics, weight/weighted feed, observation of a feeding, positioning adjustments, latching techniques. At each visit, we provide breastfeeding supplies and devices to improve feeding during our visit at no cost to you. A care plan detailing our assessments, recommendations and referrals will be emailed to you after your visit.
Health insurance companies are required to cover this care and supplies including pumps.
ACA and Health Insurance Requirement For Coverage HERE
Providers Beth Waters, IBCLC and Whitney Tiller, IBCLC are both available for home and office visits Monday thru Friday. Weekend visits are available by special need.
Megan Drain, our office manager/scheduler 503-755-8328. Online booking is no longer available.