How do if I know I need a lactation consultant?
Natalie Broders Photography
Having an expert in your corner to answer your questions in an evidenced-based way can really help you to enjoy your postpartum experience a little more and reduce anxiety. Our experienced IBCLC lactation consultants are here to help support you in your breastfeeding or chest-feeding journey every step of the way and help you relax into new parenthood.
Thank you to Natalie Broders for allowing us to use her breathtaking birth and postpartum photographs:
If you’re having pain with breastfeeding or chest-feeding, have concerns about your milk supply or infant weight gain then it’s probably a good idea you make an appointment for support. Pain with breastfeeding or chest-feeding may be a sign that something isn’t right. It can mean that there is a poor latch and that your baby isn’t getting as much milk at each feeding as they may need…and it can lead to more problems down the road. Getting breastfeeding help when you need it, is so important to your overall postpartum experience.
Even if everything is going well, you may have some other questions about managing your milk, pumping, bottle feeding, giving a pacifier, and a whole host of other questions many new parents have.
There’s so much confusing information out there. After all, if you’re new to parenthood, it’s hard to know who to listen to or what advice to take.
Natalie Broders Photography
We have partnered with Andaluz Water Birth Center to provide on site lactation support!
New Postpartum Preparation Class!
Learn about the transition to parenthood and the impact on your relationship. This class was created to help couples navigate through the uncharted waters of their postpartum experience. In this class you’ll learn how to plan effectively for the first 3 months after the birth of your baby.
Topics covered:
—Common feelings during the transition to parenthood for the birth parent and the partner
—Typical postpartum experiences and advice from real couples
—How to avoid common problems in the relationship
—Strategies to help reduce stress and bond with you baby
—Communication with each other and family members
—Infant communication, cues, care, feeding, bonding and the 4th trimester
—Infant sleep biology, sleeping strategies for the whole family
—Early breastfeeding initiation
—Infant mental health
—Postpartum Anxiety/Depression
Transition to parenthood class preview